Silver Tree Wellness Center offers a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating Environmentally-Acquired Illness, including Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Mold Illness, and Lyme disease.
If you’re feeling defeated by mysterious symptoms or an unexplained chronic condition, environmental toxins might be to blame. Mold, bacteria, and other biological toxins can cause system-wide, chronic inflammation known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome or CIRS, especially in genetically-susceptible people whose bodies can’t remove these toxins naturally.
Don’t lose hope! We can help. Healing from CIRS can be complicated, but it is possible. Dr. Jenn is a Shoemaker Protocol Certified Physician with advanced training in diagnosing and treating the complexity of CIRS so you can rid your body of biotoxins and make a full recovery.
Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker identified environmentally-acquired biotoxin illness in the late 1990s, linking a recurring illness in patients in his hometown practice to a fish-killing toxin, Pfiesteria. For over two decades, Dr. Shoemaker researched the illness and connected it to the same illness caused by toxins from water-damaged buildings and tick-borne bacteria.
He called it Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome or CIRS because of the system-wide, chronic inflammation it causes, especially in genetically-susceptible people whose bodies can’t remove these toxins naturally.
When the immune system can’t identify and destroy biotoxins, leaving them free to circulate throughout the body unchecked, it can cause a cascade of reactions producing sometimes seemingly unrelated symptoms such as these:
This Shoemaker Protocol targets the root cause of the illness instead of masking the symptoms. It focuses on the body's inflammatory response to these toxins and entails eight steps, including identifying and eliminating exposure to the toxins, eradicating the toxins from the body, and addressing the genetic factors influencing susceptibility to these illnesses. Regular monitoring and follow-up are integral to the protocol to ensure the body returns to a normal state of functioning and to prevent or address re-exposure.
What are the symptoms of Mold and Biotoxin Illness or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)?
The symptoms of Mold and Biotoxin Illness, or CIRS, can vary widely and may be hard to pinpoint. They can range from general fatigue and weakness to more specific issues like sinus infections and breathing difficulties. Other symptoms can include eye, nose, and throat irritation, and in severe cases, serious liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage.
What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and how can they impact health?
Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are gases emitted by certain solids or liquids. Common sources include paints, cleaning supplies, and cosmetic products. Exposure to VOCs can cause a range of health issues, from relatively mild eye, nose, and throat irritation to serious conditions such as liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage.
What is the Shoemaker Protocol and how does it work?
The Shoemaker Protocol is a systematic approach developed by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker for diagnosing and treating illnesses caused by exposure to biological toxins. This protocol focuses on the body's inflammatory response to these toxins and entails eight steps, ranging from identifying and eliminating exposure to the toxins, to eradicating the toxins from the body, and addressing the genetic factors influencing susceptibility to these illnesses. Regular monitoring and follow-up are integral to the protocol to ensure the body returns to a normal state of functioning and to prevent re-exposure.
Contact us and one of our representatives will reach out to you within 24-48 hours.